Nrby's Blog | Tap Into Location Intelligence

Nrby In Action: How Field Data Increases a Crew’s Efficiency

Written by Mike Silva | Feb 21, 2024 5:50:32 PM

Picture a ground crew being directed to a site with minimal supplies and just one specialist in the truck. They get to the job site, survey the problem, and see that there’s significantly more damage than anticipated. Under a traditional workflow system, that crew needs to phone for additional support, describe the damage, and then wait for the new materials or logistical backup to be dispatched and arrive on site before beginning to tackle the problem, itself. The travel time, customer communication, and waiting all add up to a significant waste of time and resources.

The value of real time field data.

With Nrby, companies can resolve situations like these faster and more affordably:

  • Deployment: A customer notices a downed power line in front of their house. Instead of spending time on the phone with a customer service representative, they update an integrated SmartPin system used to log information and report the problem. A crew nearby is made aware of the situation through a notification on their smart device and deploys to the area.
  • Analysis: The crew assesses the problem and realizes the damage is worse than expected. They update the pin with a priority call for material or logistical backup. The customer can see that a crew was deployed and is calling for backup within their phone application, so they do not need to call customer service to ask for an update.
  • Resolution: Another crew with the needed support recognizes the update and, because they are already nearby in the field, arrives quickly. The reinforced team fixes the problem and updates the pin. Both HQ and the customer are simultaneously informed that service should be restored shortly.

Nrby’s is helping make field data easier to access, understand, and utilize. Nrby’s location intelligence platform allows for mass data collection and legacy storage, ensuring that the service history for a site is available for whoever works on that site next. By having a detailed history of a site and its service history, companies can avoid repeating efforts, increasing efficiencies and enabling workers to resolve problems more quickly. The end result: companies using data in this way are primed to save money, work faster, and serve customers even better.